Last revision: 04 March 2025

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The Basics

Name: Path Wei Age: 25+ (no longer updating this lol) Birthday: April 20 ♉️ Location: Paris, France 🇫🇷 Ethnicity: 🇹🇼 / 🇺🇸


Pronouns & identity

I prefer to go by they/them pronouns [how to use?] and I am non-binary.

People often assume she/her when they don’t know me. This is fine & expected, but not preferred. See other preferences at a glance. Ask if you’re not sure!

Add your pronouns to this browser extension so I can see it:

Sexuality is confusing and complicated for me, so I’m still figuring it out. I strongly identify with the aromantic/asexual experience (bC5 if you’re interested in the layers). I’m an open advocate for LGBTQIA+ but due to the sensitive nature of it all, I tend not to discuss much about my personal experiences these days. Please don’t ask about it unprompted.

Can I recommend an album/game/movie/etc?

Use the subreddit to suggest stuff. Please use the search feature and upvote posts before submitting another one, so I can sort by popular to get a feel for what people are interested in. It doesn’t really help if the same media has been posted 20 times with 1 upvote each rather than once with 20 upvotes.

<aside> ⚠️ Just to be transparent, I hardly look for music requests in the subreddit these days because of the overwhelming number of suggestions.

Now, I have a “never-ending listening list” that I keep track of albums with “risk scores” predicting if I’ll enjoy it or not. If I see a LOT of the same album recommendations, or if I see a suggestion that really intrigues me, then I add it to the list.
